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MAVIN AGENT – Our Business Partners

The Mavin Agent Proposition

The spirit of good communication helps the world go round. And if everyone’s worlds are rotating just that little bit easier, it is generally a good thing in our book. Please read on and discover how we are looking to develop our business reach and achieve our objectives, with your well rewarded assistance.

Mavin Global is an internationally operating technology solution group, famed for its No Nonsense approach to supporting measurable good business practice and longevity in business relations.

Mavin is embarking on widening an existing enterprising scheme to leverage introductions with key individuals (CEO, CIO, CTO, CFO, IT Directors, Heads of IT etc.) within Corporate and SME (500+ employees) organisations, through our professional and personal networks.

Our aim is to create a network of ‘Mavin Agents’, sales partners who will in essence ‘sponsor’ Mavin to individuals within their own professional and personal networks. These individuals will hold an influencing or decision making role within the IT, Procurement or Financial function of a Corporate or SME organisation.

What could this mean to a ‘Mavin Agent’ in monetary terms? Essentially, on business transacted as a direct result of a referral from a ‘Mavin Agent’. Mavin will make a GBP £ payment to the company or individual, that is based on a flat % (within tier) of the net profit of the service and or product sold by Mavin to the introduced Company.

Regular Mavin Agent contributors invoice between £3K – £10K per month with the largest Mavin Agent pay-out to date, for one referral that progressed to transaction, at £27,500.00.  We will provide the full commission matrix once an individual or B2B partner has expressed an interest in collaborating with the Mavin Agent partnership.

Naturally, we would not expect anyone to operate as a ‘Mavin Agent’ without being 100% confident that as a group and individuals within the group, we will conduct all engagements professionally, politely and in accordance to the perspective client’s requirements. Our goal is to achieve longevity through building and proactively maintaining, mutually beneficial relationships with all client organisations and individuals alike.


Get in touch via the form below to find out more about becoming a Mavin Agent or call us directly and speak to Russell Bartley on +44 (0) 845 612 1155


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